Surreal Memes Wiki

Note: This page is not canon.

As of June 14, this is the latest video of PoseidonHeir, and is based off the MoistCheese timeline; a collaboration with MoistCheese himself.

Plot Summary[]

Reunion of the Heroes takes place after the (non-canon) events of the MoistCheese timeline. In it, Meme Man and Orang resurrect their fallen compatriots Nam Emem and Alon with the help of the Crustacean of Creation. The Crustacean tells Nam and Alon that he will inform Meme Man of how to get them out of his dimension. He appears to Meme Man, who is loitering alone in (possibly) a 3rd dimensional planet. The Crustacean tells him to get Orang and venture to the soul bancc (which they refer to as the "coin bancc") to exchange a coin for Alon's soul. Meme Man finds Orang on a dance floor in the middle of space. They go to the bancc. There is a blue, tuxedo-wearing bear at the entrance to the bancc, who tells the two beings to give him the coin in exchange for the soul. They venture to find Alon's deceased body, which they have fixed with multiple robotic parts. Orang puts the soul inside the cyborg Alon, who disappears from the Crustacean dimension and is resurrected. Upon completing the task of resurrecting Alon, they follow the Crustacean's advice to retrieve the Octahedron of Trancendence. There is a yellow Picardía Face guarding the Octahedron. He tells the three travelers that if they touch the octahedron, they D I E. It is revealed by Meme Man that he himself had assigned the face to the position of guard, but the face is unfazed by Meme Man's orders. Luckily, a planetoid crushes the face, enabling the three access to the octahedron. With that, Nam Emem, as a non-physical being, returns to existence from the Crustacean dimension.


  • The seeming continuity errors between the last major MoistCheese timeline surreal video and this one leads to a conclusion that something happened in between the two.
  • For example:
  • There is no evidence that Meme Man ever assigned anyone to guard the Octahedron.
  • Nothing is shown about how Alon was put back together by Meme Man and Orang except in the Surreal Reich series. It is unknown with what or by what means cyborg Alon was achieved.

