Surreal Memes Wiki

Shanpes are interdimensional objects that exist in multiple dimensions. They are usually 3-dimensional, like Octahedrons and Donuts.


A few Shanpes have the ability to make you  A S C E N D E or T R A N S C E N D E, such as the OCTAHEDRON OF TRANSCENDENCE  and possibly a few others. One such possible Shanpe is the ICOSAHEDRON OF CAPACITY, however, nobody has proven its existence. The ICOSAHEDRON is involved in a widespread theory about what happened to Meme Man and Orang after the events of "Riddle of the Rocks", where meme man seeks it out in order to defeat Orang and the Vegetal. Some Shapes are even alive, such as the Cube, who is a member of The Council of Ancients. Dr. COOL Jasper also appears to be a Shape (a circle, to be exact), albeit with hands, eyes, and sunglasses.




  • One theory says that Shanpes were created by the Ancients, however, that theory has since been debunked, after it was proven that the Ancients themselves were Shanpes.
  • Another theory emits from the fact of a higher power creating Shanpes and the Ancients. That theory is still plausible, however, no beings higher than the Ancients have been proven to exist other than the Crustacean of Creation.
  • Learning the origin of Shanpes would mean learning the origin of the Ancients, which would require multiple layers of A S C E N S I O N achievable only by possessing both the OCTAHEDRON and the supposed ICOSAHEDRON.
  • Dodecahedron men seem to be shanpes with human bodies.

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